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StudentsImpact: View Response #20

1.What did you learn about new teaching and learning practices (such as blended learning (face to face and E-learning), more than one instructor, European Instructors, remote lab (if working),…)?

The new learning way Is very exciting , having enough time to study and dynamically interacting with doctors .. Although it becomes an issue if the connection between the student and the teacher is lost or at some point broke (which is common)
So with a specific modern-aged professors ( can use technology well) this process can be very useful

2.What new links have you built with other students and universities in Europe (during visits to Europe or having European Instructors)?

Many links actually but Its more like bonds.. With my group from Ju and the doctors we met especially doctor Manuel Castro who was very helpful and positive ..

3.Do you think that MUREE (course and/or visits to EU) has provided you with extra career potential? If yes, how?

Yes .. I would like to participate in more events in the renewable matter now .. As I would like to see more systems and different types and study them and maybe create my own.
I want to go deeper in muree.

4.What new skills and competencies did you obtain through the use of the labs? (if applicable).

The concept of controlling the device which is very far away and creating my own testing environment and the possible actions for me to do were pretty great

5.Please feel free to tell us about your experiences, and please give specific examples if possible.

The entire trip was an experience actually .. From the university tours to meeting great doctors to learning new stuff in the field of work it was all pretty amazing , site seeing was one of the best learning ways ever .. I also enjoyed the last presentation that took place on Thursday specifically the part where the development is shown .. It was really exciting the way its raising ..

Created at 9/19/2015 3:35 AM by  
Last modified at 9/19/2015 3:35 AM by